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Law Firms in Scotland

McEwan Fraser Legal

McEwan Fraser Legal are award winning Solicitors and Estate Agents with offices across Scotland. They specialise in private and business property sales with a Property Matching database to match buyers with their ideal property. Open weekdays 8am-Midnight and 9am-10pm Sat/Sun. Their Instant Property Valuation Tool generates an online estimate in an average of just 39 seconds.  
Address Kintail House, Beechwood Business Park, Inverness, IV2 3BW
Web https://www.mcewanfraserlegal.co.uk
Email legalservices@mcewanfraserlegal.co.uk
Phone 0131 524 9797
ScalesThey handle: Residential Property, Power of Attorney, Notary Public Services, Motoring Offences, Legal Services, Landlord/Tenant Dispute, Housing Disrepair, Family Law, Estate Planning, Divorce, Discrimination and Harassment, Criminal Law, Conveyancing, Commercial Property, Buying/Selling a Business, Unfair/Constructive Dismissal, Wills and Probate,
McEwan Fraser Legal

Thompsons Solicitors

Thompsons Solicitors in Dumfries provide expert legal advice. Their specialist team want what is best for you and your loved ones. They put their client's best interests at the forefront, offering No Win No Fee arrangements to ensure you won't have to pay a single penny if your personal injury claim is unsuccessful. Other office locations available throughout Scotland.  
Address 43 Buccleuch Street, Dumfries and Galloway, DG1 2AB
Web https://www.thompsons-scotland.co.uk
Email advicecentre@thompsons-scotland.co.uk
Phone 01387 403111
ScalesThey handle: Work Injury, Uninsured/Untraced Driver, Unfair/Constructive Dismissal, Slip Trip or Fall, Serious/Catastrophic Injuries, Road Accidents, Professional Negligence, Personal Injury, Motorbike Accident Claims, Medical Negligence, Legal Services, Industrial Injury or Disease, Holiday Sickness, Flight Delays, Financial Mis-selling, Faulty Products, Employment Dispute, Discrimination and Harassment, Criminal Injuries, Asbestos Claims, Accident Compensation Claims,
Thompsons Solicitors

Nero Legal

Nero Legal are specialists in Buying and Selling property across Scotland. They help thousands of clients each year navigate the real issues, providing clarity and support from start to finish. Instant online estimates can be provided but for a more comprehensive discussion about your needs it's best to call.  
Address Floor 2, 135 Buchanan St, Glasgow, G1 2JA
Web https://nerolegal.com
Email enquiries@nerolegal.co.uk
Phone 0141 230 7080
ScalesThey handle: Residential Property, Legal Services, Conveyancing,
Nero Legal

Garden Stirling Burnet

Garden Stirling Burnet are a team of fully regulated solicitors based in East Lothian. They are specialists in Commercial Law and Conveyancing, including Leases, Sales/Purchases, Assignations, Licences to Occupy and Rent Review Memorandums. They also have solicitors dedicated to Private Client matters such as Family Law, Wills, and Powers of Attorney. They have decades of experience with local offices in Edinburgh, Haddington, Tranent, Dunbar, and North Berwick.  
Address 121 High Street, Tranent, Edinburgh, EH33 1LW
Web https://gsbsolicitors.co.uk
Email commercial@gsbsolicitors.co.uk
Phone 01875 447 031
ScalesThey handle: Wills and Probate, Residential Property, Power of Attorney, Legal Services, Family Law, Conveyancing, Commercial Property, Buying/Selling a Business, Business/Commercial Law, Business Dispute Resolution,
Garden Stirling Burnet

McEwan Fraser Legal

McEwan Fraser Legal are an award-winning Solicitors and Estate Agents with offices in Inverness, Airdrie, Aberdeen and Edinburgh. They specialise in residential and commercial property sales matching buyers and sellers with their ideal property. They are open weekdays from 8am-Midnight and 9am-10pm Sat/Sun. Their website offers an Instant Property Valuation Tool to generate an estimate in less than 60 seconds.  
Address Stewart house, Kinelar, Aberdeen, AB32 7BU
Web https://www.mcewanfraserlegal.co.uk
Email legalservices@mcewanfraserlegal.co.uk
Phone 0131 524 9797
ScalesThey handle: Residential Property, Power of Attorney, Notary Public Services, Motoring Offences, Legal Services, Landlord/Tenant Dispute, Housing Disrepair, Family Law, Estate Planning, Divorce, Discrimination and Harassment, Criminal Law, Conveyancing, Commercial Property, Buying/Selling a Business, Unfair/Constructive Dismissal, Wills and Probate,
McEwan Fraser Legal

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